Monday, April 9, 2007

Welcome to Yog-Sothothery

The author, H.P. Lovecraft, although relatively unknown in his time, has grown in popularity and influence since his death. His stories and letters have influenced artist, writers, and occultists. One popular Lovecraftian term is "Cthulhu Mythos". The Cthulu Mythos is a collection of stories of alien entities worshiped here on earth by cultists as far flung as Egypt, Arabia, England, and North America. Lovecraft never actually used the term "Cthulhu Mythos". Lovecraft called the "pseudo-mythology" (his term, not mine)... Yog-Sothothery.

Lovecraft's Yog-Sothothery has evolved into a many-tentacled psychic behemoth. Through the increasing body of works by artists, writers, scholars, and occultists, Lovecraft has been absorbed and transformed by his own creation.

The Yog-Sothothery blog will gather together and discuss the curious facts and myths, old and new, regarding Lovecraft and his creations.

You may also find other curious lore, experiences, and speculation.

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